Engineer’s Bible Study
Introduction: Dazed and Confused
Below is a running commentary on the Holy Bible, Modern King James Version. I find footnotes and verse numbering really distracting, so only the book and chapter number will be shown. I have tried some other translations, but the good old (new) King James Version is by far the most poetic and easy to read.
I really wanted to read the Bible on it’s own, without using other’s interpretations.
I decided to make this a separate book from the No Apologies I have been working on. If I leave any parts of the Holy Bible out, I will remark what was removed because I really don’t give a crap about biblical genealogy.
All of my commentary will be in italic, dark blue. Original text will be black.
Please, please, please understand this is not here to insult your beliefs, but understand I am undertaking this journey to see what the Bible says, using only my perspective of the world. I am a not a theologian, Bible scholar, or literary critic. I am an engineer by trade and yes, I am an atheist and have been one my entire adult life. This project is an offshoot of my No Apologies examination of apologetics. I want to understand, without footnotes or external commentary, the Bible. All the comments are my own and are an opinion.