My problems with the book of Job.
Finally finished the Book of Job. I must say, it is a just plain bizarre book of the Bible. The character of the biblical god is really called into question here. The overall plot is just nonsense.
Job is a really decent guy, faithful to his god and good in every way. So, Satan comes along and surprises ‘god’. How is that even possible? Satan then say, lets mess with Job. No way ‘god’ would be able know how Job would react to being tested. So, ‘god’ agrees that Job should be tested (why?). So, Satan first kills his whole family, wife, kids, everyone. Then takes away all of his material goods. Why? Seriously why? Job still stays faithful. Then Satan convinces ‘god’ to make Job sick and lose even more. What is the point of this?
Then, Job gets all Biblical for a while, and drones on and on and on. Towards the end, the writer of this book just starts making shit up, like the behemoth, the leviathan, and even how the behavior of real animals like the ostrich. In addition, the nature of the form of the earth, the universe, and stars. Everything was made up or just totally contrary to how the real world works!
In the end, ‘god’ just hits the reset button, gives everything back two times over (except for his dead wife and kids, I think.)
If you want to really cement your atheism, just read this book of the Bible. The ‘god’ here is plainly not omnipotent, the understanding of the world is entirely consistent with bronze age people, like a flat earth, on pillars. Also, the just plain made up creatures do not help at all. This was baldly written by a man. No question about it. The most insulting part is a statement that wisdom only comes from the fear of god??? Then follow it up almost immediately with just false, outdated, or completely made up ‘wisdom’.
That all being said, the first few passages are well written, but it goes downhill quickly. I tried reading some of the apologetic for this book, and they are just as double-talk and make no sense at all. The worst part it the next book to read is Psalms. 150 chapters…please let them be brief.